Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Day Before Disclosure

Hello to my human family.

I have a surefire way to cut through all the ridiculous smokescreen antics of the major political, financial and religious "leaders" (both present and wannabe) of our globe - those who desparately want us to believe they have the answers to the world's mounting problems...

Just present this statement to them and see how they react:

"Good sir / madam, only the most arrogant and self deluded individual can continue to ignore the overwhelming evidence that we are not alone in the universe. There has been a dramatic increase in UFO craft sightings in the last few years. There is a massive group of whistleblower testimonies now spreading like wildfire online. And frankly the cat's out of the bag with regards to the reality that we have and have had access to free energy technology for at least 50 years that could easily solve all global energy problems in an instant (which would virtually free humanity up into creating a Golden Age). If you don't possess the integrity and courage to address and look into these simple issues and why they have been covered up, then you automatically render yourself and your policies as irrelevant."

Then, slip them this link to a brand new documentary on the ET / UFO subject.

We have to graduate into adulthood gang. There's not much time left. We either have to choose to evolve or we will perish.

It's time to wake up and remember who you are. Meditate and open your heart. Love is the answer.

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