Sunday, June 27, 2010

This video is wonderful

The amazing Gregg Braden breaks down the basics of how joy and gratitude can create a chosen (preferred) reality....

Friday, June 18, 2010

A great article to think about

Miami Holistic Health Examiner

The Gulf of Mexico oil disaster and the shadow consciousness of humanity

June 18, 11:14 AMMiami Holistic Health ExaminerJed Shlackman

As the drama of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico continues to unfold there are many commentaries and analyses being published and spoken. These address this situation from a variety of contexts. The commentary being presented in this article is probably unlike any others you've heard. It seeks to examine the archetypal, psychospiritual level of the phenomena we encounter in our lives. On this level, the dark oil filling the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and potentially spreading much further is a reflection of the eruption of long-suppressed dark emotional content of our individual and collective subconscious.

In psychology, Carl Jung became widely recognized in the 20th Century for his exploration of the spiritual side of psychology and the elements of our psyche. Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist who had studied with Sigmund Freud before making a mark with his own writings and teachings, discussed the collective unconscious as well as the unconscious shadow aspect of the human mind. Jung explored the wisdom of ancient cultures and spiritual traditions as well as mythologies from around the world, looking at the common, archetypal themes that appeared. In spiritual and metaphysical teachings water is the element of the emotions. It is a feminine element, corresponding with the unconscious part of the psyche. We normally only see the surface of a body of water - most of the water is what is below the surface. Our unconscious mind is like this as well - it contains all that is below the surface of our awareness.

As oil has erupted to fill the Gulf of Mexico this can be seen as a breaking forth of dark unconscious material that is ready to reach the surface and become visible so that it can be faced and dealt with. This dark, unconscious material has been built up for great lengths of time. The oppression and abuse of humanity is deeply connected to the forces that govern the oil industry - but this is a reflection of how we all oppress and abuse ourselves and others. Many are busy pointing fingers at BP (British Petroleum) or the American Government to assign blame to the crisis in the Gulf region, describing how the profit motive contributed to reckless endangerment of the environment and human lives. Yet, how many people could honestly say they aren't putting materialistic desires ahead of the health and well-being of themselves and others? Most people do this all the time without even thinking about it. In the book Poisoned For Profit: How Toxins Are Making Our Children Chronically Ill, authors Philip and Alice Shabecoff describe how toxic compounds have proliferated in our civilization, with most people exposing their children to hazardous chemicals due to ignorance or denial and many people participating in coverups of these matters.

From pharmaceutical companies and doctors prescribing toxic drugs and vaccines, to lawyers and politicians protecting corporations from liability for their poisoning of the public, our culture has become dominated by materialistic preoccupations that lead to the abuse of humans and the environment. Massive deceptions have been employed to maintain these corrupt systems. In Denise Breton and Christopher Largent's ground-breaking book The Paradigm Conspiracy, the authors review how all the major institutions of our society have become addictive and abusive, yet people continue to go along with these abuses rather than facing the truth and breaking out of the addictive cycles in order to create soul-supporting, empowering social constructs. As oil continues to gush into Earth's waters, we see that the pressure of suppressing our awareness of the dark side of human civilization cannot be maintained. We have an opportunity to become more proactively aware of the patterns in our lives and our society and make changes to bring about balance and harmony in our environment and within ourselves. The more we ignore things and suppress things the more intense will be the unpleasant consequences, as life gives us feedback about our distortions and imbalances.

Presently, the age of deception that we live in is coming to a climax. The Internet is very much a reflection of this climactic time, as it presents a network in which all human knowledge can be shared instantly with anyone, anywhere on the Earth. Numerous writers, researchers, and teachers have come forward to expose the dark side of human civilization and present alternatives to empower humanity. From natural health cures to suppressed zero-point free energy technologies, you can read about paradigm-shifting information that would have never come to one's awareness in past eras. Information about devious conspiratorial forces is becoming more and more publicized, with major news organizations now discussing things like the Bilderberg Group elite gatherings and the Skull & Bones secret society. Prominent public figures have been talking openly about the reality of extraterrestrial beings interacting with our planet, and sexual misconduct by public figures and people in major church and governmental institutions is increasingly coming to public awareness. These are examples of dark or hidden phenomena in society coming to the surface.

On an individual level many people are finding that they are having to face the unresolved emotions from dark episodes in their past. Globally, weather is becoming unstable, volcanoes and earthquakes are shifting the Earth and releasing pressure, and oil leaks are filling the waters with dark fluids that mirror the upwelling of the unconscious shadows of humanity. Those who are on a healing path can embrace this, appreciating the opportunity to face the multiple levels of toxicity that have accumulating and take steps to release these patterns and integrate oneself. If we merely suppress the darkness then we just create bigger crises that are feedback provided by Creation to help us awaken to reclaim our integrity and wholeness.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

self forgiveness & self acceptance

MESSAGE FROM SAUL through John Smallman

Waiting is less than totally absorbing...

Waiting is less than totally absorbing, and it seems that you have spent a long time waiting to enter your natural state of full consciousness. I assure you that soon you will have finished waiting, and that what you have been waiting for will be beyond your wildest dreams, and well worth the wait, as you come home to a welcome sparkling with joy and good humor. It will be a truly scintillating occasion.

But while you wait, focus on releasing all those negative emotions that have directed so many of the activities that command your attention in the illusion. Anger, a need to be right, and your requirement that others recognize that you are right are very draining for you, because they strengthen and encourage your illusory sense of separation. Especially as the thought of being one with those you judge as wrong is anathema to you!

Remember that no one is truly wrong. Yes, errors are made, and some of those errors may appear unacceptable and unforgivable, but they are all lessons you chose to learn when you accepted life as a human. When errors are seen for what they are~~mistakes~~and you use your energy and intelligence to assist those who made them to correct them, and to limit and repair any damage that they have caused, much more favorable outcomes will be achieved than by blame, condemnation, and punishment.

Forgiveness is mandatory. Without forgiveness, bitterness and distrust infect any negotiations, slowing down or preventing meaningful progress in correcting the errors and repairing the damage they have caused. And forgiveness starts with self-acceptance.

Nearly every human culture teaches its progeny that acceptance is dependent on submission to its forms and customs, so that a child quickly discovers that it is basically unacceptable. This judgment is internalized, while it sees most others as acceptable but not itself. As it develops basic skills it gets to judge the apparent lack of skills or abilities it sees in others by projecting its own sense of inadequacy and unacceptability onto them. By adulthood the lesson has been well learned; conformity is seen as a social benefit, and the right and need to judge is seldom questioned.

Adolescent rebellion is understood to be a necessary stage in development that discipline and experience will dissipate into conformity, and so conditional forgiveness is offered to those rebelling.
True forgiveness is found through self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, and this requires you to let go of the societal and cultural "shoulds" that were imposed on you as you were growing up. Many of those shoulds carry a strong emotional charge making it difficult for you to recognize and acknowledge them; it is far easier to accept them as "normal responsible living" and thus avoid questioning their validity.

But to enjoy life you need to be yourself and honor your wants and needs, and to do that you have to examine the shoulds that you take for granted and discard the invalid one—probably most of them. Doing this will give you a marvelous sense of freedom—freedom that you are most certainly entitled to experience and enjoy. With that regained freedom you will be able to start accepting and forgiving yourself, and then extend that acceptance and forgiveness to others.

As you practice living like this—and growing increasingly aware of your reasons for doing so—you will find you are becoming more and more at peace as your levels of stress and anxiety ease. Then you will really begin to enjoy being the perfect and unique creation of your heavenly Father, and will be ready once more to enter your natural state of full consciousness.

With so very much love, Saul.

Monday, June 14, 2010

An inspiring message from a galactic brother

Sometimes matters proceed in the most unexpected way, and the Gulf oil spill is no exception. Suddenly the truth emerges that it is far more serious than first reported, and the cover up can no longer conceal it. A reckless disregard for your environment and the people likely to be affected has shown the extent to which the Oil Companies are prepared to go. It is a situation that has highlighted the dangers in searching for oil under the seabed. It has awakened people to how easily an oil spill can occur, and is another reason why safe technology must be introduced. Alternative energy supplies are already known but have been suppressed, and the fact that they do exist has brought a demand that they are introduced without delay. Meantime the worst ecological disaster in your history continues unabated, to haunt those in authority who seem powerless to help. We hear your cries for help and that brings our presence just that bit nearer, but there is a lot more involved in this matter than you aware. Our allies are doing their best to move things in the right direction, but it will require much effort on their part to be successful.

It also greatly heartens us to know, that there are concerted efforts by you to focus positive energy and loving thoughts into the Gulf Oil area. It is an approach to the problem that we strongly recommend, and shows that you are taking on the responsibility of finding ways of healing it yourselves. Believe us that your power to produce results and make an impression upon it, are increasing all of the time. More of you are recognizing the power you hold within, and as groups of you get together so it will increase exponentially. As a result of all the efforts being made to overcome the problem, you will lessen the impact upon your environment and enable the mess to be cleared away.

We notice the tension is increasing upon Earth, as with the turmoil that exists you are being distracted from keeping your eyes on the end times. Yet, a lot of what is happening will have a direct bearing on the manner in which it will pass by. Certainly nothing can prevent Ascension, but you can make the path a lot smoother by keeping the end result in focus. Joy and happiness awaits you and complete and utter peace, the likes of which you have not truly experienced before. Whatever effort you put in now will be well worth it, and the more you can raise your consciousness levels, the quicker you will detach from the lower energies. On Earth for example, so many of your films and media presentations focus on death and destruction. If you are not careful it can result in you accepting it as a normal part of life, and you can experience damage to your psyche. Generally speaking what is frequently placed before you becomes acceptable, and it is how your natural feelings are corrupted and anaesthetized. The dark Ones have used these methods consistently to deaden your response to the atrocities of war, and inhumane acts against you.

However, we do not wish to dwell upon dark matters, but you have a need to know how your reactions to experiences are being controlled. As benign Beings you are capable of the greatest acts of love and compassion, and when the negative influences are removed we see you coming into your own. There will be changes in your laws so that justice can be seen to be operating in a fair manner. Your rights will be restored and fully protected, so that you cannot be held or imprisoned without sufficient evidence. It is also important that you are allowed legal representation as your right, and not held guilty until it is proven. Equally as important will be a re-structuring of the powers given to those who apply the law and police your streets. In actual fact, once we come to your Earth and address your problems, and people see a brighter future ahead, the level of crime will dramatically fall. Clearly removing inequality and poverty will by itself remove conditions that often lead to crime. We also see that the need to take drugs to escape your reality, or for social occasions will decline.

People will find peace and happiness living their lives as intended, by being occupied in interesting and rewarding occupations. The pressure and stress of your present way of life will disappear, and much more time given to pleasurable pursuits. Fulfillment in your lives is not something you are used to experiencing, but it will become the normal way of life. Such changes are destined to introduce you to conditions you can expect to expand as you near Ascension. The old ways are already beginning to disappear, and will have no place in the higher dimensions. To say the least, everything will change until the vibrations have been sufficiently lifted up to put duality behind you.

Words are still inadequate to fully describe what you can look forward to in the future. However, with our coming we will make sure you understand the reasons for actions taken. They are to introduce you to our ways of life that shall also become yours, and remove or change anything that has previously resulted in the pollution or damage to you or Mother Earth. It mean changes to many of your methods of manufacturing, and the materials used. No longer will you work in dangerous conditions, and in fact operating methods will become far more automated. The dirt and sweat will become a thing of the past, and no one will labor in such a way.

You might wonder about our ability to build Space craft of enormous size, and we can tell you that it is achieved with robotic or automated means. There is no wastage and the materials are selected for their high quality and reliability. As members of the Galactic Federation, we share our knowledge and technologies so that all can benefit. It is not our way to try to outdo each other, and although we have to incorporate means of self-defense, our craft are not war machines. As we often inform you, our larger ships are like cities in Space, and we can replicate any type of environment within them. Coming on board, you would most likely fail to realize that you were indeed upon one of our ships.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and what is given in this message is just a taste of what is to come. We hope it will lift you up, and put your focus on all that is good and wholesome that is coming your way. Problems that exist now will be short lived, and in spite of how they appear, no lasting damage will remain.